Module: Contact history

Convenient - Online - Ready to hand

One place – all information at your fingertips. In the contact history module, you enter agreements, messages or notes for the respective contact: you have already created employees, customers, orders or suppliers in the master data. Now you can use this for DISPONIC to access it. It is not necessary to create new contacts. If the window is called up from a customer, for example, all histories for this customer, the associated customer contacts, the orders and the order contacts are automatically displayed. This gives you the right view and a comprehensive overview depending on the level you call up. This layout can also be saved on a user-specific basis, so you always have your own personal view.

Do you have questions about this module or would you like our experts to advise you on your individual solution? We are here for you!

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Up-to-date - Reliable - Accurate

  • Create master data only once
  • Information is summarized in one place
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